April 2018
I received research funding to continue my explorations of non-toxic film processing and funding to produce a new fiction film. Here is a new website dedicated to that project!
December 2017
Very few updates to report as I have been putting energy into other projects at the moment. Here is the caffenol cookbook that I used as a starter for my own explorations with alternative film processing.
January 2017,
Check out this footage developed using the prototype. And some photos of the build for the tanks.
October 7, 2016
Set up the rack and vertical tanks this week to test out a scaled down prototype of the Green Lab. Things went well, managed to load, process, wash, hang and reload in just over one-hour. Super consistent development! Very pleased! Used Ilford Rapid fixer for now, built a tight fitting venting hood with a fan that pulled the vapors off the Fix tank and outside. Simple but effective solution until I can move on the sea salt water Fix! Lots of great ideas came out of the inaugural processing specific to the areas of fabrication, design of the next version of the lab, as well as recipes for the developer. Thanks so much to Susan Briscoe for providing the studio space to set up the lab! And to Maxwell House Instant Coffee – consistent developing to the last drop.

Ingredients in Caffenol CM. Find full recipes and others at The Caffenol Cookbook.

Caffenol CM (coffee developer), Washing bath in the middle with constant replenishment as needed, and the Fix (venting snout removed for photo). The venting snout fit very nicely with the film rack inside.
Thanks to Naomi Silver-Vezina for assisting in the lab; to Oliver Philbin-Briscoe for fabricating the vertical tanks and film rack, and to Guillaume Lebel for dozens and dozens of tests on caffenol recipes and temperatures!
I’m having the 16mm film scanned at Technicolor on Tuesday of next week. I’ll post a clip!
September 14, 2016.
May 2016.